
Onboarding hospitals to new systems or technologies is a challenging customer onboarding process. This often involves coordinating multiple stakeholders, overcoming siloed departmental structures, and ensuring seamless on-premises installations. This guide provides a detailed roadmap for mastering hospital onboarding. We will focus on effective strategies to address common challenges and establish a smooth and successful hospital implementation.

Understanding Healthcare Stakeholders

Identifying Key Stakeholders

In hospital settings, numerous stakeholders participate in any kind of new product or service implementation. Stakeholders include clinicians, administrators, IT staff, and financial officers. Understanding the roles and interests of each group is critical for successful onboarding programs.

  • Clinicians: Prioritize patient care and practical usability.
  • Administrators: Interested in efficiency and compliance.
  • IT Staff: Concerned with integration and security.
  • Financial Officers: Focus on cost and ROI.

Building Consensus

  • Early Engagement: Customers should be engaged early to understand their needs and concerns.
  • Regular Communication: Maintain open and regular communication channels.
  • Tailored Presentations: Customize presentations to address specific interests and objections of different stakeholders.

Overcoming Siloed Hospital Structures

Breaking Down Silos

Hospitals often operate in silos, leading to communication gaps and resource waste. Therefore, your team must combat the departmental divide by fostering cross-departmental collaboration.

  • Cross-Department Meetings: Organize regular meetings involving representatives from all relevant departments.
  • Unified Communication Tools: Implement communication tools that facilitate information sharing across departments.

Ensuring Consistency

  • Standardized Presentations: Develop standardized presentations that convey a unified message to all departments.
  • Clear Documentation: Guarantee all documentation is accessible and understood by all stakeholders.

Handling Risky Sales Handoff

Mitigating Handoff Risks

The transition from sales to implementation puts organizations at risk for customer churn. Your team has spent a large amount of time, effort, and energy to move the deal forward. This stage sets the tone for the entire onboarding process. How can you avoid your new customers tipping at the starting line?

  • Detailed Handoff Plans: Create comprehensive handoff plans that detail responsibilities, timelines, and key information.
  • Stakeholder Involvement: Involve all relevant stakeholders in the handoff process to maintain consistency and clear expectations.

Clear Documentation and Communication

  • Comprehensive Documentation: Provide detailed documentation that covers all aspects of the sale and implementation process.
  • Regular Updates: Maintain regular updates and communication between the sales and implementation teams.

Leveraging Tools to Keep Everyone on Track

Customer Onboarding Engagement Tool

Using a tool like Engage can help align all stakeholders and keep them on track.

  • Centralized Platforms: Use centralized like Engage to align stakeholder for data collection, processes and more
  • Real-Time Updates: Establish real-time updates and visibility for all team members.

Tool Considerations

  • Secure Web-based Environment: Robust encryption and secure access protocols confirm data security, providing peace of mind for users and protecting sensitive information.
  • Centralized Workspace: These provide a unified location for all project activities. This communication hub enhances organization and convenience, making it easier for teams to manage their work.
  • File Sharing: Facilitates quick and easy sharing of files, improving collaboration and reducing the time spent on distributing documents.
  • Document Collaboration: Multiple users can work on documents simultaneously. Collaborating in this way fosters teamwork and ensures everyone has the most up-to-date information.
  • Proven Modules for Communication: Provides reliable communication tools that enhance interaction and coordination among team members, ensuring everyone stays connected and informed.
  • Checklists and Tasks: Teams can manage tasks more effectively with organized, goal oriented checklists. The team meets deadlines and stays on the same page to move forward.
  • Intelligent Automations: Automates repetitive tasks, saving time and reducing the risk of errors, allowing teams to focus on more critical activities.
  • Libraries and Templates for Efficiency: Offers pre-made templates and libraries to streamline processes, improving efficiency and consistency across projects.
  • Seamless Embed with Salesforce for Easy Rep Adoption: An integration with Salesforce secures a smooth transition towards new processes. Sales representatives will find it easier to adopt and use the platform without disrupting their workflow.

Implementing Repeatable Onboarding Processes and Checklists

Developing Standard Operating Procedures

Having a set of standard operating procedures (SOPs) assures consistency and efficiency are part of the onboarding process.

  • Detailed SOPs: Create detailed SOPs for every step of the onboarding process.
  • Regular Updates: Regularly review and update SOPs to reflect best practices and new learnings.

Creating Comprehensive Checklists

Onboarding checklists ensure the team does not miss any critical steps during onboarding.

  • Step-by-Step Checklists: Develop step-by-step checklists for each phase of the customer journey.
  • Customizable Templates: These flexible templates create a blueprint and solid foundation for the next steps in the process. The team can configure templates based on a hospital's specific needs, regulations, and requirements.

Aligning Channel Partners or Resellers

Establishing Clear Communication Channels

Clear and consistent communication is vital for alignment. Onboarding teams find clear and consistent communication even more essential when channel partners or resellers are involved.

  • Regular Meetings: Schedule regular meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and solutions.
  • Unified Messaging: Align all partners on messaging and objectives. Aligning a goal is much easier when all parties are clear on what the goal is. 

Setting Mutual Goals

  • Shared Objectives: Set mutual goals and objectives to confirm all parties are working towards the same outcome.
  • Performance Metrics: Develop performance metrics to track and assess the success of the partnership.

Executing On-premises Installations

Preparation and Planning

On-premises installations require thorough preparation and planning to avoid disruptions and establish smooth implementation.

  • Site Assessments: Conduct detailed site assessments to understand the specific requirements and constraints of the hospital.
  • Installation Plans: Develop comprehensive installation plans that include timelines, resource allocation, and risk management strategies.

Coordination with IT Departments

  • Technical Requirements: Clearly communicate the technical requirements and specifications to the hospital’s IT department.
  • Support and Training: IT staff will be able to handle the new system or technology better with continuous support, training, and customer service.

Managing Multi-Phase Launch Processes

Planning Multi-Phase Launches

Multi-phase launches help manage the complexity of onboarding by breaking down the process into manageable stages.

  • Phase Definitions: Clearly define each phase of the launch process, including objectives, timelines, and outcomes.
  • Resource Allocation: Allocate resources effectively across different phases to protect balanced workload and attention.

Monitoring and Adjusting

  • Progress Tracking: Implement tracking mechanisms to monitor the progress of each phase.
  • Flexibility and Adaptation: Be prepared to adapt plans based on feedback and emerging challenges.

Post-Launch and Continuous Refinement

Monitoring Performance Post-Launch

After the initial launch, it is crucial to consistently monitor performance and make necessary adjustments.

  • Performance Metrics: Establish key performance metrics to track the success of the implementation.
  • Regular Reviews: Conduct regular reviews to assess progress and identify areas for improvement.

Continuous Improvement

  • Feedback Loops: Create feedback loops with end-users to gather insights and improve the system.
  • Ongoing Training: Equip users to use the new system effectively. Your teams can do this by providing ongoing training and support to help streamline progress. 


Navigating the complexities of hospital onboarding requires a strategic approach, meticulous planning, and effective communication. Now you have an understanding of the unique challenges posted by onboarding hospitals. Key factors to consider are multiple stakeholders, siloed structures, on-premises installations, and multi-phase launches. 

Healthcare professionals can achieve a seamless and successful onboarding process by adhering to these needs. This guide provides the essential tools and strategies needed to safeguard positive outcomes for all stakeholders involved.

About ProteusEngage

Engage: Simplifying Complex Onboarding for SaaS, Tech, and Professional Services. Discover cutting-edge digital workspaces and smart automation that ensure successful customer onboarding experiences. With Engage, unlock a consistent and repeatable onboarding process.

Proteus Insights Team

Post by Proteus Insights Team

With over 25 years in operation, Proteus has built strong connections with industry leaders across various sectors, products, and services. Our experienced team and loyal clients have enabled us to gain valuable insights from these interactions.