The process involves meeting with your customer on a quarterly basis to discuss how they are getting along with their services. The goal is to show progress towards achieving their business goals as well as address opportunities for advancing your customer success

QBR Template 1

Image of powerpoint slide
Full Description:

This powerpoint gives you a full picture of content that can be included with a Quarterly Business Review. Remove any slides that do not fit with your business model, and use the rest to customize the report.

Target Audience:
Typically quarterly, but can be varied based on client

QBR Template 2

Image of sample QBR
Full Description:

This segmented QBR template allows for a clean and clear breakdown of the most important information to share with all involved in the review, and also allows for a clear delineation of the next steps, to keep everyone on track.

Target Audience:
Typically quarterly, but can be varied based on client

Pre-Meeting Survey

Image of survey questions
Full Description:

Asking these simple questions prior to the meeting will help your QBR go much better. This strategy can also greatly help as you strive to grow your relationships and multi-thread within the customer's organization.

Target Audience:
Attendees of the QBR
1-2 weeks before the QBR meeting

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